Sunday, July 26, 2009


Well today was a day of making small changes around the house thanks to a trip to Lowe's. That store has a way of making you feel like you are a DIY professional or something! We bought a small cubicle storage shelf for Addison's ten thousand books. I think it looks more little girl than a tall book shelf and I don't have to worry about anyone climbing up it and having an accident. Matt made himself a shelf next to the computer desk for the trash and shred. We got stuff to treat the yard and the house for all kinds of creepy crawlies. And finally, since rain is a distant memory and we have 3/4 of an acre to keep watered, we had to buy a better sprinkler that covers more ground. All-in-all a pretty good and very productive day:)

I am thinking that the kids and I will be heading to TX at the beginning of August...around the 3rd or 4th. We will be staying at least until the 13th. It really depends on how badly Matt misses us. Who knows, maybe he will want us to stay until the 23rd;)! But we really do need to get back by the third week of August so that Addison can start her dance class and I can get the kids registered for a winter swim class. I cannot believe that these kids have such a busy schedule already and they haven't even started school!

We found out that we will be having more company too! Matt's friend and office mate from Charleston will be headed our way on the weekend of August 6th for a job interview with TVA and Oak is coming out for a few days before Labor Day. I love getting to see everyone and showing off our beautiful home:)


Hooked on Fishing said...

I've never pictured Matt as much of a handy man... he's way smarter than me, but when I close my eyes and picture "Matt's shelf", I see two cinder blocks and a piece of wood on top... *smile* Post a picture! Ha Ha!

Matthew said...

Close....I set it on top of the computer :D