Monday, February 16, 2009

Good news!

This post is for everyone in Texas but mostly for Jeff:)

Matt, the kids and I will be heading to Texas at the beginning of March! The plan is to drive out there the day of the sixth and then leave to come home the morning of the 12th. Matt and I will be celebrating our ten year anniversary on the sixth and he just happens to have a seven day off period so we are headed to see family and friends in Texas:)

Matt and I are actually going to sneak away for that weekend and be back in Stephenville on Monday afternoon. Sonia (grandma) has graciously agreed to keep the munchkins for us so that we can actually have some time alone for the first time since Addison made an appearance in 2006. We haven't ever left the kids before so I am incredibly excited and extremely nervous!! I know that Grandma and Grandpa will have no problem with our "little angels"....I mean, look how well I turned out:)

Anyway, I am hoping that I get this out early enough that we can make plans and see everyone that we love. I do know three things for sure...Matt and I will have the weekend alone, Mary's is definitely part of the trip for some amazing Chicken Fried Steak and we must go to Taquito Millionaro!! Why do two of those things have to do with food? Hmmmmmm.

Oh, I tried to post yesterday with some pictures from the aquarium and some of our other excursions here but I kept getting an error. Maybe I will try again tonight after the kids are in bed and I have more time.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

It has been beautiful!

The kids and I have been enjoying our 60 degree weather very much. Most of our days have been spent outside on the trampoline or in the back yard. With Matt having to sleep during the day we have been really fortunate to have such great weather. Travis and Kristina also got their outdoor play set yesterday and we spent some time down at their house testing out the new equipment!

Today is going to be much the same as the past few days and I think we may try to take a walk or go to the park. Maybe just more trampoline. Addison would jump for hours everyday if I let her. She told Matt the other night to just go in because she was staying outside. She continued to run and jump and play for another 20 minutes before she even noticed that she was alone outside (I was watching from our kitchen table of course).

Matt finished up his run of night shifts last night and he has off until Friday when he starts day shifts for three or four days. I really don't mind the shift work too much and Matt is dealing with it pretty well too. The kids don't care as long as they get to see Daddy for at least an hour a day:)

I made some banana bread yesterday and it was good. I had about seven bananas that were on the verge of not being good for anything anymore so I had to make two loaves. The guys that Matt works with really appreciated the second loaf that I sent with him to work.

We are waiting for all of the promised company in the spring....we would love to have some guests for Addison's THIRD birthday! I cannot believe how quickly time has gone by:( Gabe and Amber...I am talking to you:)

Friday, February 6, 2009

I have been sick

Luckily it was a sinus infection and non-contagious so no one else in the house was bothered by it. I guess they might have been bothered by all the leftovers that were eaten this week but nobody else got sick:) Unfortunately I have not had a chance to play on the Wii Fit since I haven't been feeling well and I think tonight is the night to get back to it.

Matt starts his four days of nights today and he is now banished to our spare room upstairs to sleep all day. As long as I can keep the kids busy it usually works out okay for him. The problem this time is that it is over the weekend so I am a little more reluctant to venture out to the kids favorite places because they are crawling with other children. As cold as it has been here there is always a snotty nose or hacking cough to watch out for when we are in public. Plus it seems like once one of us gets something we just pass it around to each other for the next month!

We had a pretty productive week.... We spent a day at the aquarium (Addison's favorite haunt), we went to Playworld Down Under (which is a big indoor playground) and Matt finally got the garage cleaned out and both vehicles are now parked inside!! If you ask Matt, that was the most important part of the week.

We had snow on Monday. It was really coming down and Addison thought it was hysterical that the flakes stayed on our hair and faces. I couldn't get her into the car fast enough because she wanted to hang out and get snowed on:) We had flurries on Tuesday and Wednesday and today we have a high of 57 degrees with "abundant sunshine". Gee, I wonder why everyone is dealing with colds?