Sunday, December 7, 2008

O' Christmas Tree

We finally put up our Christmas tree. I think we are the last people on our block to have any kind of decorations up. These Tennesseans go a little holiday least that is my observation in our small corner of the state. We got a tree at our local produce stand and it is awesome. Even though we paid a little more for it I think it is definitely worth the money.

Addison had a blast picking out the tree. We couldn't stop her from running up and down the aisles of trees touching every single one. She absolutely loved every second of it. She also loved going inside to warm up and getting a free apple and banana. The girl was halfway done with her apple by the time I finished paying.

Michael did not have as much fun. He was tired and for some reason he did not like the lady helping us get the tree all trimmed up and ready to put on the car. She really freaked him out!

It took a couple of days to get it decorated but it turned out great. This was the first year that Addison helped and she would not let us move the ornaments she put up. She was quite selective of their placement and she threw a stomping and yelling fit when Matt attempted to move one of her carefully placed pieces:)

I am hoping to transform our house into Christmas mode sometime soon but with Michael not having the restraint to leave sparkly things alone we may just settle for the nativity set on a shelf. If we do put up the garland and lights and bows I will post more pictures of that too!