Tuesday, September 30, 2008

We closed on our house!

It finally happened!  We now have a home again.  Addison can stop telling people that she doesn't have a house:)  Today at 4:00pm we once again became homeowners.  I forgot how exciting it can be to agree to making payments for the next 30 years!  

Matt's new television arrives tomorrow and the fence will begin being built next monday.  The moving company is coming to pick up the boxes tomorrow as well and I will finally be able to park in the garage!  I know that alot of people don't routinely use their garages for storage of their cars but with two little ones constantly on the move it is hard to unload them in the driveway.  Not to mention....it gets cold here.  You won't see me chipping ice off of the windshield anytime soon.  

We are supposed to have lows in the upper 40s tonight and by all predictions this nice cool weather will make for a beautiful fall.  I learned today that the trees produce more radiant colors in the fall when the weather gets colder sooner.  Who knew?  Probably my dad who probably told me this fact a long time ago and I will be getting chatised later for not remembering:)

All-in-all things have been pretty fantastic!  The kids are back into a routine and they have a schedule again.  We have a place to call home and friends to share our new home with and a great family to fill it up.  I am feeling pretty fortunate today (keep your fingers crossed that I didn't just jinx myself).  I will post pictures soon, I just have to find that darn usb cable:)

Monday, September 29, 2008

An update....finally!!

I know that it has been awhile.  Everyone keeps telling me!  We are finally in the new house.  We are waiting to close and it has NOT been easy.  It seems like we have have had problem after problem with the lender but I am sure that it will all be resolved very soon.  I was reminded last night that this is an easy problem to solve and that we really are lucky that we have somewhere to live.  As difficult as the past few weeks have been we have always had food and shelter and a very desperately needed hot shower at the end of the day.  Oh well, off the soap box:)

Michael turned one this month!  Can you all even believe it?  It does not seem like it has been a whole year since we were just meeting this amazing little person.  He is walking and talking and yelling at all of his sisters already.  He is looking more like his dad every single day.  I do believe that he has even mastered the mischevious grin:)  

Addison is "officially" turned into a princess.  Her room has been decked out in princess bedding and a matching pink ceiling fan.  I know Matt just shakes his head everytime he walks in there.  You can just feel the estrogen oozing off of the walls.  We have also converted her toddler bed into a full size big girl bed.  She is doing great in it!  She hasn't fallen off or anything!  And I almost for got to mention that Addison is potty trained!  Holy freaking cow, right?  When did my little baby girl grow up?  For those of you reading with kiddos you know what a huge milestone this is and why I just had to mention toilet habits in a public blog:)

Matt and I are just waiting and waiting and waiting to finally close on this beautiful home.  We are so ready to be able to call it ours.  I will post some pictures once Matt's flat screen tv is mounted over the fireplace and the fence is up.  We are actually getting a cedar fence this time because it is going to take so much lumber that the guy building it got cedar for the same price as treated pine...Bonus!  The appliances have been broken in and we had our first brisket in the house last night.  I guess that really makes it home! 

We are so excited about all the things that Tennessee has to offer for family outings and the weather here is absolutely gorgeous!  There are apple orchards to visit and pumpkin patches to peruse.  Matt and I have talked about trips to Six Flags over GA and Dollywood.  There is no shortage of outdoor adventures here.  Make your travel arrangements folks.... we cannot wait to have some company.

I will try to update again VERY soon now that we are getting settled.  I hope to see you all soon!