Friday, July 24, 2009

Lots of Company!

We have had lots of going to see friends and lots of company scheduled for the next couple of months. At the beginning of the month we were in KingsBay, GA visiting with old friends and enjoying the 4th of July and this week my parents were in town for a visit! This week I also got a flight scheduled for Nana to come and see our new home in TN and made plans to try and get to TX sometime in August.

I also looked into a "Fairytale Ballet" class for Addison. It should start around the third week of August and she is super excited. The class does a different fairytale every week and they supply all the costumes. There is a recital right around Christmas time to show off what they have learned. The class is 3-4 year olds and I think it will be a good chance to start her socializing with other little girls and get her used to a "classroom" setting.

I am also hoping that we can do a winter swimming class for the kids. Addison is a total waterbug and I get kinda nervous at her lack of fear when it comes to water. I will feel much better when she knows how to keep herself afloat! Michael is the complete opposite. If the water is deeper than baby pool level he wants nothing to do with it. I really want him to learn not to be afraid, hopefully that is what his lessons would give him:)

Matt is still studying away and getting closer and closer to a license with TVA. By next month he should only have one year left of training before he officially an SRO:) This also gets us closer to the big cruise we have been planning! After talking about it we may opt for an all inclusive resort instead....but we still have some time to decide.

That is all that is happening here for now. I hope everyone is doing well and we hope to see you all soon:)

Just a random shot taken on the computer camera...sorry the quality isn't great but I thought it was a pretty cut pic anyway;)

1 comment:

Hooked on Fishing said...

Wow you are busy! And I love the pic! You guys have very cute kids... must be from Valerie's side.....*smile*