Saturday, November 14, 2009

Wisdom Teeth

So I finally had my wisdom teeth pulled.  It only took 10 years and 3 dentists telling me that it had to be done.  The xray this time showed that I had one tooth that was laying completely sideways and it was in the process of taking out one of my molars.  This was enough to make me schedule the surgery....I am not a girl who would be happy if I could not easily chow down on a steak:)

The surgery went well and I was even dealing with the pain pretty easily until the Sunday after the procedure.  Matt made me call in on Sunday for more pain meds and then call again on Monday for an appointment.  I ended up with dry socket in the part where they had to cut out the sideways tooth.  It has been an incredibly long and painful ordeal....with no yummy food to make it any better:(

Now I am just hoping for a speedy recovery so that I can bite into a big roast beef sandwich!  I need a steak too:)  

The kids have been pretty great during my week of laying around.  I know they are going a little nuts and getting on each others' nerves but overall they are handling it pretty well.  

We will hopefully be getting to Texas for Christmas.  It depends on Matt's schedule how long we will stay but we should be there for at least a week.  We will let you all know when we know!

1 comment:

Hooked on Fishing said...

First of all, Thank you for posting!
Secondly, sorry your having a hard time with the pain. When I went in and had mine taken out the doctor told me that I was already on a stronger pain med for my headaches than he could give me. His stuff wouldn't do anything for me, so I took two of my pills before I had the top two pulled and compared to my migraines I hardly noticed the teeth hurt at all. I tell you that so you'll know it could be worse!
And drink some ensure. You can live off that stuff, it required no chewing, didn't hurt my jaw at room temperature and really tasted pretty good!